(Paid) Looking for a 2D vector sprite artist/animator
Game assets commission
Hi everybody My name is Adel, and I am currently developping a game for the Nintendo Wii U, which will be released on the E-Shop. I am currently looking for some 2D vector artist/animator who could make some decent side-view cartoonish characters. The game will be a Super Smash Bros inspired fighting game, with original characters. For the moment I have been using OGA sprites for prototyping purpose, but as the game is getting more and more polished, I would like now to swap them with graphics I could use for commercial game (not open source).
Here is a list of what I need :
- 16 Characters with : - Walking animation- Idle animation- Jumping animation- 4 different attacks animations (depending on each character capacities) - Hit animation- Dead animation- Victory animation - 8 Tilesets + Layered background : - Forest environment- Dark/Spooky - Ice environment - Fire/Volcano environment- Steampunk/Factory environment- Underground/Cave environment- Futuristic environment- Mythologic (Egypt or Greek themed) environment - About 20 Power-up Icons/Assets - GUI The tiles would be 64*64px and characters size would differ according to their design. So far no universe had been created for the game, so you I am totally opened to proposal, even though I would like something cartoonish and avoiding fantasy-themed characters as much as possible (Too many elves these days...). If you think you are suited for the job, please send me a message with a proposition of price, and an estimated deadline (Something under 6-months would be better).
I am already in contact with an artist from the forum who might do the job for the graphics, but he would maybe not be able to obtain good animations, as it is not his specialty. In case you would be interested in animating the characters, and that you have experience with softwares such as Spriter, feel free to contact me as well.
Waiting for your answers !