New here need help with krita, duplicating/transforms
Just started learning 2d art found the youtube videos by bart affiliated with this site was following along until he copied part of this vase and then pasted it and mirrored it over. however when I do this it moves both the copy and the original cant figure out what is going on and its very frustrating im pretty new to photo editing in general so I'm not sure where to look or what to do. Krita has changed a lot since these videos were made and a lot of stuff isnt in the same place it is in the videos anymore. If anyone knows whats up here it looks like he might be using a different selection tool idk the icons are different. Please help im so frustrated right now.
the youtube video for a quick link
I really want to start working on a project over the summer and need to learn pixel art to start generating some assets, I know how to make stuff in blender but dont want to go 3d for this.
thanks in advance