Need title screen, sprite sheets for a Fullmetal Alchemist game
Hello again everybody. I am looking for a few things to go with a Fullmetal Alchemist game I am making. The game is in early dev and I am making a demo first to see if I like the idea and continue the dev cycle. My only dilemma is the need for a title screen and three simple sprite sheets at the moment for a core mechanic of the game. I would highly recommend watching the brotherhood version before this, or at least the first episode.
1. I need a title screen. I don't really have an Idea of a good color format, but I am thinking that the main colors should be red, black and steel grey. I need the logo and under that "The game" So in total it should say Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and under that, the game. Should also have a picture of a flamel, as well as a play button.(Link below for flamel)
2. I need two sprite sheets of the main characters performing alchemy and a sprite sheet for an Amestian military member moving up, left, right, down, and shooting a colt pistol. If you watch the first episode, you will see what the characters look like, as well as the soldiers. The short kid in the red jacket can just clap his hands and perform alchemy, but the suit of armor needs to be able to draw a rune with a piece of chalk first. Once again, you will know what I'm talking about if you see the first episode.
LINKS: Also, please put the images in PNG format. Thanks. I am not paying for the project unless it is good enough to be marketized and then I will give people a cut based on how much they contributed. That is a longshot though, so don't rely on that.
Flamel; file:///C:/Users/Drspiff11/Desktop/Project%20UI/Sprites/Alphonse/AlchemyEvriormental/Flamel.jpg
First Episode(Please watch if you want to work on this)
Thanks a lot!
Are fan games legally allowed, commercial or non? I know you can't use copyrighted or trademarked artwork, but can a game have the same title as a Square Enix franchise?
--Medicine Storm