Need J.A.R.V.I.S hud game display.
The interface is going to be technological interface that display the player health and gold now keep in mind that this game is developed for android,so the sprite size will be normal not too small or too big and the game is a pixel game not 8-bit pixel.
The concept is taken from pepp-boy(the name may be mispelled) in the fall out series, which is basically a device that will tell you your health and gold and items, but if it is made it must look cool
The title said J.A.R.V.I.S because it is a hud that tell the character his stats.
The game im making is a 2d minecraft but if the character was on another planet and the game will have the player collect gold and level up to unlock items and many other in game items.
Quesiotns and answers:
Can i be a partner in this game and get a part of the profit ?
Yes,if you supply the wanted art you will have a share of the profit from the android market .
What is your critibality?
jbjames already have a game in the android market the name is "cubellision" and it is made by puzzle game studios which is jbjames studio, this is a link to the game:
Do you have an illustration of the needed art?
yes, here is the link:
The concept is a technologic system that is technologic blue.