Need help with a 2D Adventure Game (ART) - World of Me
My name is Eli Sussman, the sole part of the company Eli Sussman Games. Over here it is just me, as I sit down and program away at my games. I have a really cool game I'm working on which suffers from a problem called programmer art, and I would love to have your help fixing this.
About my game:
My game is called "World of Me" and is a 2d, infinite world, procedurally generated, multiplayer game. Although from a first glance it looks like a terraria clone, it will be very different. You can create a server and play with your friends or play by yourself using the included server. It is real time and you see the player move as they move and blocks being broken as they break. You can mod it yourself with .txt files and the included examples. You can craft, use and make machines, and mine your own resources. Enough about the features though, let's move on.
What I need:
I need an artist with experience at making 2d environmental blocks (stone, dirt, ores), characters, and items (pickaxes, swords, sticks). Nothing should be too complicated (not many animations or specifics) and you have entire creative freedom to do what you want. I would say make me stone and as long as I get a 64x64 png called stone I'm good with it. Everything in the game so far already has a texture but it is pretty bad and needs to be replaced. Once all the art is replaced I will need to keep you along to keep making art for new things added into the game for consistency. I study as a student so I in no way expect this to be full time, since I can't even add the art in unless I'm free. Don't be confused though, this game takes up all my free time as I love working on it.
Blocks - 64x64 pngs (environment, detailed)
Items - 32x32 pngs (listen to request, use creative freedom, have fun)
Characters - Size Depends, pngs
ALL pieces need transparent backgrounds!
Program you use does not matter as long as it is feature filled to let you make good art and allows for transparent pngs.
I am willing to participate in a profit-share and I understand art is hard and people need to pay the bills, but I have a non-existent budget, as most of what I make goes into funding my education. I am willing to find a way to pay you every so often or on a case by case basis, so tell me what you think.
I am not restrictive, so you would be able to work on any other project you desire while working with me. My art will be asked for and you won't ever have a big queue waiting for you so that is fine with me. Just only use my art for my game and in no other projects.
You can and should use any art you make in this project in your portfolio even before the game is released. This should help you get even more work to help you make more money.
You will be credited next to my name anywhere the game is published and mentioned as the lead artist.
Thank you for reading this through and I hope to be negotiating with you soon. If you have any questions, ask and I'll answer them.
Eli Sussman
Find my work and more about the game at and