Modern/realistic 16x16 GBC-style pixel art for a silly overhead RPG
Hello all,
I'm hoping people will happen to know about open game art like this that already exists. Of course I've searched on my own but maybe there are corners of the internet I haven't tried yet. When I have more gameplay I might feel comfortable asking for an artist to work on this, possibly on commission if I can crowdfund enough, but it's not at that point yet.
I'm looking for 16x16 tilesets and 16x16 sprites for a silly open-source RPG where you play an underpaid retail worker. So you have to fight off your landlord who's trying to evict you, fight people at work competing for the same hours, &c and I'm still brainstorming ideas for a more overarching quest. I plan to emphasize snarky characters/dialog.
As for the style of tilesets I'm looking for... Well, right now I'm privately working with art ripped from Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal, because I want to emulate the Game Boy Color look and reference the feeling of liberation these games inspired in my generation when we were children. The modern setting and 16x16 tile size are essential, but I'm also looking for a couple other properties. I'm mostly interested in tilesets that contain pretty much no overlapping/transparency, again to emulate the Game Boy Color look where sprites have transparency but map tiles usually don't. Also, for similar reasons buildings and such should have a rectangular shape without pointy or curved roofs that would be difficult for a player to navigate around. Buildings should come in a few different styles.
Basically I just haven't found a suitable free-as-in-speech replacement for this ripped art yet. Though I have found a list of Pokémon-style tilesets. The list is in German and includes a mix of links to both fan-made art and art ripped from the commercial games. The former art all seems to be inspired by games more recent than GBC, but I may consider using that if I don't find something closer to what I was looking for. There's also a nice terrain tileset Buch made for the Tuxemon project that would fit in with this Pokémon Ruby/Emerald/Sapphire theme.
Sprites really just need to be human, come in more than one gender presentation category, be 16x16, and have modern, post-industrial clothing. Varied skin tones would also be cool but I can edit these if I have to. If someone happens to know a good match for this it would be cool to mention.
Anything I do eventually use/commission I will be sure to include in a collection on the site so people can find it.