Mac Version Not Working
Saturday, November 18, 2017 - 23:20
I've played "Flare" on my old Linux laptop, but now I have a mac. However, Flare does not work on the new OS X versions. Please update, I really love Flare and I play the online version, too, but I'd like to be able to play whenever internet is not available. I attached a screenshot of the pop-up I got.
Unfortunately, the person who provided our Mac version in the past does not have a recent version of OS X as far as I know. It's hard to know from your screenshot if simply rebuilding, linking to a newer version of SDL, or changing some of the Flare code would fix the problem. Sorry I don't have a better answer for you.
If you look at the report details, you can see that the issue is reported as:
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: /usr/X11R6/lib/libfreetype.6.dylib
Referenced from: /private/var/folders/r0/72xrhvnx15l33y2bfrv8v2rc0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/86785B8B-040D-4746-9FC1-F59C0554FE94/d/
Reason: image not found
So it seems to me that the build is using a really old version of sdl for macOS X. SDL_ttf is dependent on libfreetype in the X11R6 install/directory. X11R6 has been removed from macOS for a while now.
I think maybe you could update the build to use the SDL2 framework instead.
In the meantime, if people want to play the current build, users can download XQuartz-2.7.11 from and install XQuartz. That will install an alias for "X11R6" in the right place, so that the app will be able to load all the old libraries, or at least compatable ones. The caveat being you shouldn't need X11 (it's rather large) and I only verified the game launches. Haven't had a chance to play it yet.
Hope this helps!!
Just FYI, I built flare-engine and sym linked game mods last week on OSX and everything runs smoothly. Followed these instructions:
FWIW, I was talking about the pre-built release, which is linked at the top of this page:
The ones that end in ".dmg" (disk image)
Yes, I did see the build instructions when I downloaded the source, but thanks for pointing it out. I have not tried to build from source, since only cmake is provided ( I *greatly* prefer an Xcode project, for editing/debugging/etc ). It looks like the source may be using sdl2 (while the release may be using sdl(1)), which may remove the dependency on X11, or you may be using a macOS install that already has X11 on it.
I mostly posted my workaround to help other non-programmers use the pre-builts, until they are fixed (and to suggest a fix to the maintainers.). While I do want to play around with the source, I haven't got around to doing so, and I can play the game with the pre-built after installing X11, so I think I'm set. ( *fingers crossed* )