Looking for 3D Low Poly Artist for Open System Space Game
I am looking for a person or people who have the talent to produce amazing high quality graphics for a '3D Low Poly Style' game I am creating.
-You must be able to work to deadlines.(In saying this the deadlines are and will be light and very flexible due to the next requirement)
-Able to work for experience rather than pay.(Again, if the game takes off and I am able to produce a constant income a figure can be arranged, but your name will be in the credits regardless. Given that the work is finished.)
-Able to produce copyright free models based on sketches(most likely poor quality) and description so your mind can run wild.
The Game
The game in a nutshell is an 'Open Solar System' game that you will be able to create several roles from an asteroid miner to naval officer. The game may have aspects of mutlichoice aswell. The game will be a PC game which will be able to be run on Laptops since the graphics are low poly.
If you reply to this, I would firstly like to say thank you for taking an interest in this role. But I would like sample art from previous projects, or just make something quickly if you don't have anything. This is so I can tell if we could work together as I have a very limited time before my deadline for myself in december.
Thanks for reading!
I could consider it, but you honestly seem pretty demanding considering you also want it all for free.