Looking for 2D artist
Monday, October 26, 2015 - 10:24
We're a very small group of students working on a simple multiplayer android game. We've just finished prototyping, it's working, it's great :) and now is the time to make it look better. The style of the game is 3D in low poly transformed to 2D by orthographic camera (top down view).
We don't need a lot and not high-end art (we are working without budget, all the expenses out of own pocket). The most important is the idea for arranging all the UI in-game, one background image and a small 2D icon. We'll need some more art later on. Good idea, something original is what we are looking for :).
If you are interested in this project please write me on the forum or at my email adress: jacek025@poczta.onet.pl :)