Looking for 2D adventure click art style
I am not so sure if you guys are familiar with adventure click based games like king quest, space quest, larry suit larry, etc. I am making an adventure game like that and looking for that style of artist. I will pay per asset and the character sprite size is 24 x 45 maximum to half of that which is 12 x 23 minimum sprite range. Of course small items graphics are also included. The game is called Robot War and so majority of the art I will be looking for are robots.
I have zoomed to 800% and toke snapshot of the image to show you the style I am looking for. It is of course not that big in size it is just 24 x 45 and that is the biggest size possible. I want to replace this sprite with robots instead as it is a planet of robots and creatures. The sprite sheet is composed of seven animation frame walking down, left, right and up. Additional animation of pickings item and dying will be requested based on the story plot and what I want for that specific character to animate. By default all characters and monsters will have the basic walk animation of seven frames...not all characters will have animation of dying, sitting, talking, picking, etc. If anyone is intersted please send me your price and a sample of a robot you draw. The winner will get the job and it is a long term job, communication will be done in discord. Awaiting your reply with great anticipation.
Calciumtrice's work always reminded me of the king's quest games: https://opengameart.org/users/calciumtrice
--Medicine Storm
Yeah it is. I will see if I can contact him. The big expense of course is drawing the solid picture of forest, house with garden etc. Those are like normal 640 x 480 picture..the items and NPC are only animated...maybe I will animate doors opening closing..or have a tv animate static or picture...but couch, etc..these are just normal pictures not sprite kind of thing..unless in the story the player can remove the couch seat and it animates one frame up for removing..you know that style of adventure game I am making. I will check with him. I will just PM the link of this post so I don't keep typing over and over and over and over the samething. Thanks for the help MedicineStorm. Much appreciate it.
If anyone else wish to share their work or like the job I am all open. Remember this is a long term job position.
I thought I saw a random YouTube video not to long ago that was a new kings quest that was being made. It was in the spirit of the old game.
I cannot have enough of this style of game engine. I am addicted to it. I wouldn't mind buying 450 new game titles...all following the same style engine concept. Adventure click games. I click here and a funny description of a chair or rug or wall or tree or pot or pencil. Just detailed text adventure click game. I....cannot......have enough. I am hunting crazy for these style of games. Crazy. Especially, when there is a powerful actor voices for the characters in the game, that further adds atmosphere to the game.
I am making my own game, using a very power adventure click game editor application. All I need now is someone to be with me all the way till the end with providing assets for my game. Mine is about robot war, a planet with robots living and having one community in war with others. I just need those arts.