In need of a battler set for RPG Maker Vx Ace
So I am creating my fourth game (Well this is my actual game the others were my attempts at learning everything and playing around with scripts)
If anyone has ever used it...remember the evil selection for the faces? Evil-4
If not he's the silver haired man with red eyes.
I need a sideways battler for him.
I'd be willing to credit you and give you a copy of the game once fully completed (Which might be in the next 4-7 months)
It, the game, will not be sold...I am doing this strictly to see if I have the ability to create a game without much sleep and 4-8 cups of coffee a day.
So far I'm only like 22% done.
Anyways the photo shall be uploaded...if you need to know who he is...bottom left of the image.
He's the biggest paradox, and I mean that in the literal term, to my game and I need him as a final boss and whatnot. I would use the sprite...but that'd be boring as all hell so here I am.
If anyone can help, great!
I have tried to make a few battlers, they ended badly, however I am decent with sprites...for VX ACE.