Flare.exe not run
Thursday, October 4, 2012 - 12:29
After struggling with SDL_ttf, when compiling the executable, I moved it to the folder of the flare and I opened but closed at the time.
Make a txt (stderr.txt)
- Unable to determine default font!
When I open the executable that came with the game, if it goes smoothly, but my exe not open and I get this error.
Any suggestions?
Make sure the "mods" folder (and all its data) and flare.exe are in the same folder together. This is the easiest way to have it set up for Windows.
Create a new folder and put mods folder, the new compiled exe and DLLs. flare.exe (game) if it works but my exe does not work, I may have some wrong settings when compiling, the executable compiled in Win32 API?
Dev C++ not give me any error or warning.
That message "Unable to determine default font!", was that the only error message?
Example, did it also say "Unable to open engine/font_settings.txt!"?
Yes only "Unable to determine default font!"
I use:
- Flare src v 0.17.1
- SDL and SDLmain 1.2.15
- SDLmixer 1.2.11
- SDLimage 1.2.10
- SDLttf 2.0.11
One more point, I have windows 7 64-bit, x64 SDL_ttf does not work, I do not recognize it, however if x86. And if I change SDL.dll for x64 any exe not work, with x86 flare(game) works.
It sounds like your mods/engine/font_settings.txt is inncorrect. It should look like this: http://pastie.org/4914207
If it doesn't you'll need a newer version of the gamedata (maybe you're using 0.17 data instead of 0.17.1)
I have client 0.17.1 (the last). Source code have 0.16.1087 (the last too)
Now the exe run but not detected mods.txt (i know). In play game say "Enable a core mod to continue". With flare-game i can play game, with the same mods and confs files.
In stdout.txt say:
TTF_OpenFont: Couldn't open fonts/LiberationSans-Bold.ttf
TTF_OpenFont: Couldn't open fonts/LiberationSans-Italic.ttf
No joysticks were found.
Using joystick #0.
Mix_LoadMUS: Couldn't read from 'music/title_theme.ogg'
I download flare 0.13 (game and source). Make flare.exe and works it!, but with 0.17 not works. I'll be trying things if I have the solution.
Thanks all for reply :)
I'm having the Same issue as well, with the font, after disabling the default font just to see if the game would load, I get a Classes.txt is missing, after searching every folder in mods, none of them even have a classes.txt. So I added a Classes.txt blank. And it still doesn't load correctly. We gotta come up with a better solution as well with the SDL package, that took me about 10 hours to figure out how to install, there's no real instructions on how it all goes together.
Besides that above, I've been playing around with the game itself, and its very promising.
After playing around with it a little more, I used Clints Build to test it out. I actually got the game to load to the configuration screen, but adding a mod just seems to crash it. Will keep this up to date, and instructions on how to fix if resolved.
Seems Clint added another source, the full master source code, recompiling and testing this one. Will edit with results.
YES! The new source code worked like a charm. Compiled and ran correctly.
The MODS loaded without a hitch!
This helped me tremendously, used Codeblocks to compile, as Dev C++ was quarky.
Make sure to move all your .LIB files from VC in the SDL downloads to one Dir. and
your Headers (.H) SDL_MIXER etc, to the include directory.
Well, time to get to work, take care, and thanks Clint for providing the download.