Feeds (atom/rss) embed, optimize, add
News feeds are a wonderful thing to keep users and applications (twitter, facebook, irc bots) updated about changes.
We have feeds for lastest art and blog but there are a few issues:
1. There is no content in the 'latest art' items, only title. Ideally all the info the node holds would be in the feed item content as well. At least preview image/audiofile (though rss has an 'image' element that could be used instead)
2. Textures do not appear in the 'latest art' feed. Since it is a new category, this might also apply to documents.
3. DONE (missed it!) It would be great to have per-user feeds, so that users can track their favorite artists or feed their submissions into their twitter or facebook etc.
4. DONE The two feeds are not in the HEAD of the website. Having them there would make them discoverable by feed search engines and users that use browsers that support this element (firefox, chrome with extension)
Individual forums on OGA have feeds embedded though (example forum):
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS - Feedback" href="http://opengameart.org/taxonomy/term/65/feed" />
Note that multiple feed links are OK to be in the header. We can have the 'blog' and 'latest art' feeds in all pages' HEAD element.
Please add any problems with the feeds. I will gladly help with modifications/research. For a start, it would help me to know what the current feeds are implemented with. On #drupal, views_data_export module was mentioned. We are not using the 'feeds' module, as it is disabled and only for import of feeds, not for export (if I understand correctly).
Okay, I've addressed some of these today. I also created some new feeds and added icon links to them as well. The feeds should be in the headers of the appropriate pages.
Note that the individual user art pages have feeds as well.
I love it!
5. DONE Some of the feeds are weirdly formatted in the HEAD (anchor tags inside the title of the LINK tags?):
6. The feeds seem to be invalid (this is the first time I used a feed validator in my life)
and recent comments seem to be forbidden unless I'm logged in.
DONE http://validator.w3.org/feed/check.cgi?url=http%3A%2F%2Fopengameart.org%2Frecent-comments.xml
Permissions issue and feed title formatting issues are fixed. The validation part will have to wait. :)
7. Sounds do not appear in feeds either