Dragon Head
I had to disable rich text to be allowed in here... but it works I guess...
I am looking for a Dragon Head, something facing Down from the top perhaps more top down view. Decent to Excellent quality.
Thank You.
I had to disable rich text to be allowed in here... but it works I guess...
I am looking for a Dragon Head, something facing Down from the top perhaps more top down view. Decent to Excellent quality.
Thank You.
You haven't given nearly enough information to fulfill a request like this. No clarity on style, resolution, not even medium. And comments like "decent to excellent quality" aren't going to win you a lot of points if you aren't putting money on the table. It's fine to ask for free work but you'd better be willing to go the extra mile in a) being clear on exactly what you need, b) saying why an artist should take his or her time to fill that need, and c) being courteous because in the end you're asking for free stuff.