Download Source Code
Hello everyone.
I have been downloading DSL libraries, compilers; all requirements to build Flare. I have read a lot of things, licenses; i learned a lot!. But when i came back to GitHub to download the source code... ejem...
Do i really need to copy-paste in raw format all the files and saved again in normal, one by one ?
I can not see what is wrong, help me please.
Thank you all.
On the GitHub project page for flare click the Downloads link, then look for the button that says "Download as zip"
Thank you very much.
I had been downloaded a zip file in the previous page... but it was not the source code.
The three files in download page there were not the source code... Buf!. I do not like GitHub
interface, nothing, seems to me very confusing.
A lot of thanks.
void main ()
char *DIII = "R3AL5HIT";
GitHub really isn't designed to be a file-sharing website (though it is that also), it's designed to be able to closely monitor and share changes in the source of a code project.
One way to easily stay on top of all the changes would be to use a graphical program like GitHub for Windows which would let you pull in any new changes at will. It would have a bit of a learning curve, but probably would save you time in the end if you want to always have the constantly changing version of Flare.