Documentation about mods
Sunday, January 27, 2013 - 16:47
Hi guys,
I´d like to know where is tutorials or material about modding for the game. I´d like to try to make a little adventure (a single dungeon crawling) and I´m really interested in more informations about map making, dialog making, etc.
Anyone can help me ?
There's really not a lot of tutorials right now; the easiest way to begin modding is by reverse-engineering the existing content and by asking specific questions here on the forums. We're planning on lots of tutorials after Flare's data formats stop evolving.
I can give you some pointers about getting started, though.
You'll want to make sure that you have a development setup where you can compile Flare from source. The engine and data files format has shifted since the last public release.
For mapmaking, you'll need a program called Tiled. You should be able to open any of the `flare/tiled/*.tmx` files with Tiled and see how a map is created.
The data files for everything are located in `flare/mods/alpha_demo/*` You can reverse-engineer any of those to create new creatures, NPCs, etc.
Let us know if you have any specific questions, and happy hacking!
Pennomi, hi !
First thanks for your answers. I haa a great experience in Tiled (I made some maps and ideas for a game wich I help with game designing and level design), and get the "mods directory" with the tiles and definitions.
I´ll take a look and I´ll begin to make some experiences. I´ll keep in touch.