Cyberpunk Pixel Art Concept/Background Artist Needed
I am neck deep in a passion project and would like to hire someone to do some 2D concept art and background in the pixel art style. The setting is inspired by cyberpunk worlds with post modern architecture in the cities. There are also wilderness areas with electronics powered by wireless energy and 20th century computers. Full game details can be found here:
Feel free to reach out to me directly at nathanaelwalsh@gmail
Nathanael W
Seems like an awfully difficult request, interesting game nonetheless!
Yeah :/
I don't have a tight deadline and was hoping to make it financially worth it. But yeah, it's a big ask.
Thanks for your thoughts though!
How large and detailed does such a background need to be? Should there be animation? How many colors?
Like would something like this be adequate? (this is from the NES game Final Mission, I didn't make it myself)
Of course it should be made more futuristic,but I mean, the color choices, resolution, and such
Yeah I'm hoping to get something more around this:
Concept art can vary widely is size and amount of detail, but background images would need to be at least 600 pixel hidth but width can vary.
I can make it in different layers maybe, then you can stitch those together how you want, or I can do that, because it looks like this picture is generated from many layers put together.
But I won't promise the results will be that great, if any at all-
Can you give me an example of how the backgrounds will be used within the game?
It will scroll with the player just like most 2d side scrollers. I'll need many different kinds eventually (rooftops, inside building, etc.) but if you wanted to put together just a ground level city view that would be awesome! here is an example of the scale and screen proportions the background should be: