Create a Team for developing games
Monday, April 17, 2017 - 07:54
Hi, My name is Santiago.
I have learning about developing 3D games in unity a quite of time and i think i can create a team for developing games for the moment the team need people, so the idea is we need 3D Artists, 2D artists and Programmers, for the moment me and my partner(programmer ) are the team, but we need more people so once we have the team we can discuss about the create of a project for the moment the idea is to create a Survival Game on a Island.
Concept Arts we dont have it because we dont have Designers, but if you need some examples of the tematic i can send you (if i learn how to send images on the forum please tell me xD).
The Name of the Team are gona be CiconGames.
So if you want to create a videogame please join us!
Hi! I have wrote you in dm. :)