conversion wonderboy graphics
Friday, December 19, 2014 - 02:08
hello everyone,
i'm planning to take a FREE conversion of WONDERBOY DELUXE from NES/COINOP, i used to love that game, and i'm trying to port it to IOS devices.
i can't use original sprites as i used to do with my tests on pc then i'm asking to your help.
basically i want to do a vconversion for the skateboarding system.
all the graphic i where using in the game in the pc version are inside the png file.
because the large number of free platform's resouses i dont need platforms, just the sprites for the character and tricks with skate.
as in the original game i would appreciate 'big' sprites other than tiny ones.
tanks for help
What engine are you using?
on pc i did a demo with python+pygame, on ios im going with swift and spritekit, still able to import textures atlas from spritebuilder
You should consider using Clickteam Fusion 2.5. You can write it once and export to Android, iOS, HTML5, Mac, Linux, and Windows. Also, I can give your sprites a shot!
tyvm. i'll check the clickteam fusion u talking about.
i'm currency learning clickteam, it seems a nice way to go. it will be not on swift but seems i can do almost everything from clickteam itself.