Bug: Unconfirmed comments are shown in recent list
I have noticed this for the second time and decided to report. Comments are listed in the recent list even if they are not accepted and there is also another php error in pages with pending comments. Screenshots follows. In the first one the item highlighted red is displayed, but not shown in the second page. Also there is a php notice there potentially pointing an issue and revealing information about the website.

I've fixed the unconfirmed comments issue. Still looking into the other one (for the record, the error is harmless).
well, that was quick. For the other I recommend setting display_errors off in php config. Even if it is totally harmless, it still displays internal site details.
I managed to figure out what was causing the actual error. display_errors is already off in my PHP settings -- it's drupal that's catching and reporting them. The trouble is that by default Drupal doesn't comprehend the difference between an admin and a regular user, so when I turn them off, they go off for everyone, and seeing as how I'm actively developing OGA, I want to see those error messages. There's a module that's supposed to fix it, but it filters out all errors for non-admins, including the ones that you get when you don't fill in a required field.
So yeah. This error is gone.