Automapping script for 3d tilesets (pre-alpha)
i work on an automapping script (blender and python) for 3d tilesets. it is still in development
it will use an other format as this 3d-tileset
here is an image of that in blender and the blend-file with the script
How it works:
the script calculates which faces use the active vertex (the white one) and calculates their "middle-point" and compares thes coordinates with the corordinates of the active vertex.
it also calculates the direction of the face and i can place specific objects on different parts (look image)

i worked on the script
(the "dots" in the screenshot are placeholder for tiles not added yet)
+ it don't use the active vertex, it uses all selected now
+ it joins all added parts to an object
+ it uses objects by it's names
- a bit slow when big meshes (but better than putting each extra)
- error when object missing or on inactive layer
i added 5 sample-parts (rest to do)
also to do:
random parts (for example for the top side)
put it into blenders ui (like addon, at the moment only script)
import funktion (only when not too slow)
complete tileset (for testing)
That sounds interesting, do you think this could be extended to build real 3D levels out of modules? I recently saw someone who has build script that could build unreal deathmatch levels fully automatic out of modular pieces in udk.
i'm not sure, if this is possible, my script is specialized in tiles with a special size.
but i think you could add some "base-forms", when you change the code a bit
it takes a lot of time to model these tilesets
i have updated the automapping script:
the newest version is now in a submission (because the tilesset is ready)