Asking for one tiny picture. :)
Hey artists.
I'm a student who dreams of developing a game someday. I've been working out an idea of an indie game called "John - a Candlelight Adventure'. The idea is to make a game in which you play a candlelight called John, in a kind of post-war scenario. I wanted it to relie on story and atmosphere, the feeling of being alone and tiny. Since I pretty much suck at painting I wanted to ask if someone of you could paint this character to me, just to have a picture outside of my mind. It would give me lots and lots of motivation. Just a simple flame with two vertical lines for the eyes, preferably red on the outer side of the flame, yellow towards the inside and on a black background. It would be so awesome to see this character to get real, get physical.
If you want to know further information, just ask me. :)
- Known-as-John
Hey, did you mean something like this?