Artist required to create texture sets for level editor
Hi there
I have created a level editor which I want to put up for the world to use. The idea is that the editor is free to use by anyone to create as many levels as they want and share that with their friends. All these levels are editable by the person who created them but only viewable to the rest of the world. I am toying with the idea of actually making a simple game wherein people can then play those levels, but nothing is confirmed on that front yet.
Anyways, the way I save the levels, these levels take up less than 1K (max up to 2k in extreme cases) so they are incredibly small. The source code for this level editor will be available commercially and once you have it, all those levels are yours to add as you please.
This is all done and ready. What I need now, is someone to create a theme or themes for me to both include in the product and as separate available downloads. This is one of the other things about this product. It works with themes that you can add and remove as you feel like. Each theme can have between 1 and unlimited textures and can be distributed either on my own site or on the author's site either for free or commercially. The more themes the better for everyone so yeah, definitely open to all.
Back to my request, the level editor is meant for 3rd person and FPS style games so textures need to be good enough for close up scrutiny, not just 8-bit game style graphics. Apart from that, I would prefer to start with a dungeon theme but really, if I can get someone here to help me with this, I will leave the theme up to you...
the requirements for the textures are as such:
Floor textures must be power of 2, tileable textures
Wall textures must be horizontally tilable and be twice as high as it is wide
Texture can be plan diffuse or can include bump maps and/or specular maps
That is it. Be creative. As many or as few textures are you think can be used to create interesting levels with. Pick a theme, Dungeon, Aquatic, Japanese, Desert, Old Western...
I look forward to reading your replies (and hopefully getting some interest in this project)
You might want to take a look at yughues' tiling textures. Afaik they are all CC0/Public Domain, so it shouldn't be a problem to include them into a commercial propietary software package.
Thanks. I'll have a look right now. :D
Is there a link to a website for this editor?