2D Top Down Tanks
Hello everyone,
My name is Pedro I'm from Portugal and I'm a computers engineer student. I'm making an html5 game, and I already have all the movements and shooting gameplay already done. This is a multiplayer game, and that part is also already done. I already have the server code done and running to broadcast/verify all the game events to the players. This game consists in two teams of players to kill each other and/or archive the map objectives. Here goes a screenshot (the interface isn't done as you can see, will be added later):
The tanks image that I was using was: http://www.xnaresources.com/images/tutorialimages/sprites/MulticolorTanks.png
So I came to a part that I want to offer more tanks, like heavy tanks/destroyers/light tanks etc, and I need different type of tanks. So I need top down tanks with the turrent separate from the thank (because the turrent moves to the point where the mouse is). Doesn't have to be with much details. Can someone please help me?
Best regards,