2d silly game, need help with 8 bit art/sprites
I recently made this silly game, PoopAdventure!, and i was trying to make the 8 bit art/sprites by myself, but i was not very satisfied with the result.
Here is the game : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/135029092/PoopAdventure-0.1-win32.msi
It is made is python that is why the game is so big...
I would love is someone could help me with the background image (as the currunt one is not what i whant) wich should be some kind of 8 bit forrest (900X400)
and some walking animation for my main guy
here is the idle position of him:
or if you what for the zombie :
You can tweak them any way you like!
The game is still in a raw state and its missing a lot of features as it is very hard for me to do the 8 bit art, witch is slowing me down...
I hope you guys could help me and thanks in advance
Don't know if you've already received help or not but someone else has similar looking graphics here: