2d RPG artwork
I have been debating and vacillatimg about working on a 2d or 3d project for educational illustration purposes and personal enjoyment for a few years now. I'm quite overwhelmed by the large amount of artwork that is needed for a 2d RPG. I am not an artist. I'm working with SPHERE and while there does seem to be some freely available artwork that means I can concemtrate more on how to use SPHERE, most of the objects I need are not available for free.
I am going to make a kind of Walter Mitty style work hat writeup RPG. The player will be shown how to do a task. like stampimg numbers onto small envelopes and as they stamp to the music they will find themselves battling a mustachioed clock and animated growling stomach monster or find themselves in some totally different place and time.
I have seem some very nice interior and exterior maps on RPG Maker forums that I would like to emulate.
I am using 32 x 32 tiles but I've seen lots of artwork for 16x16 which seems too small.
I like the LPC farm tiles but there didn't seem to be a full grass tile in the Sphere tileset I made with it. Maybe my 32 x 32 tile size was incorrect. I like the soil colour but something about the texture makes it look smooth like mud.
For my exterior I need gravel, grass and tilled soil. I' m using solid grey, green and brown at the momemt and grass and desert sand tiles I found online. Exterior_Farm.png doesn't seem to be available anymore. It had a nice soil texture and I found part of it with cabbages on a pic called exterior town.
For the forst scene, I need to make a number stamper and an animated sprite on a stool doing the stamping. I figure a stamper is basically a thin cylinder on top of a rectangular box. If I can make something that looks ok, I will donate it.
I might make a close up first person view like in some. vitual labs I've seen online. I collected photos of objects I want.
I need to make a cardboard box similar to some baskets in one of Celianna's tilesets.I need an electronic scale, two shoebox lid cormers, stylus or sharpened pencil, a black pouring dish, filled envelope, small vault box filled with filled envelopes, cardboard beer tray filled with 10 white filled vault boxes, diamonds( rough and brilliant cut), maize kernels, small orange juice bottle, four-legged stool, (maybe just stand not sit), (the ink bottle, ink pad, small stylus for rotating wheels etc. can be left for later)
Fonts for the Title screen, face portraits for the textbox, character and NPC sprites, exterior map, world map, interior first floor, second floor, secret basement lab, fantasy locale maps for medieval fantasy, Mars colony greenhouse and lab etc., animations, music, soumd effects.
I got portable Gimp and might try Graphics Gale or other freeware to make pixel art. I have portable Blemder to make sprites or 3d models.
Use Platinum Arts Sandbox and make 3d models in Blender?
So many decisions!
I wonder if OpenGameArt.org has some of the objects I need for the secret lab? Let's see ...