2D fantasy artwork needed!
I'm looking for artwork for King's Conflict - http://www.indiedb.com/games/kings-conflict - a cross-platform online trading card / wargame currently in alpha-testing.
This is (at present) an advanced hobby project, though with potential for a future commercial release. I can't offer any money upfront, but am very happy to enter into generous 'share of future profits' agreements with artists. For now I'm hoping to find someone willing to let me use some pre-existing art for game-testing purposes. I can't really take this much further without some passable pictures.
I need 100+ static 2D images of fantasy/medieval charcters/buildings etc - e.g. archers, knights, a fire-wielding mage, etc. Resolution needed is 256x256. There is no need for consistency of style, and photos are just as good as artwork.
Can anyone help?
Check this collection, a lot might be useful but just note that most (maybe all) are released under GPL licenses which will cause you a problem if you eventually want to sell your game by my understanding!
Thanks Scribe, I hadn't seen that - I can certainly use a few of those for current purposes. GPL is fine for now - If I eventually do sell the game then paying for a full set of artwork will be possible and probably desirable anyway.
At best that's only going to get me 9 or 10 cards-worth unfortunately, I still need to get 90% of the images from elsewhere ... so still looking for collaborators/ideas/help!
No problem,
I would suggest that you write a list of the graphics you need or link to what needs replacing, looking at the video on indeidb the card graphics look pretty resonable already, do they need changing because of licenses?
Yes basically, I need to make sure all the images are fully legal... quite a few are probably not entirely so at the moment, and I need to deal with this. :-(
I'll do a full list... though actually I can pretty easily tailor card descriptions and names to match images as well, so am not tied to it.
Thanks again for input...
OK, as suggested, here is the list of what I need at present. I'll need more cards eventually, so if anyone has anything that doesn't quite fit I'd still love to see it :-)
1.Units and structures - ideally need to work OK at a small size (64x64 or so) as well as the 256x256 card size - so simple images are better. Any coloured or type of background is OK, and any style is OK. The more variety the better - makes it easier to tell them apart.
2. Powers/Commands - less important about size, these are never shown shrunken. Any image that seems to fit the name would work fine!
Many thanks in advance for anything anyone can supply!
I've now edited this down to remove things I've managed to source already - still many to go though :-(
Good thing you made a list, I can help with flaming arrows, some drawings I did ages ago!
I might give some of the others a go as well, I need some practice so don't expect anything too amazing :P
Thanks VERY much! Flaming arrows is nice... will certainly use that... will go through the others too, probably going to be more there I can do something with.
And ANYTHING you can draw will I'm sure be much better than anything I can draw... so yes, that would be much appreciated :-)
I've made some progress on this - Wikimedia commons and public domain artwork have got me some of the way - but I'm still short of 30 or so images, so am still looking for help/ideas!
Thanks everyone in advance (and thank to Scribe again)
... and another edit as I've sourced few more from pre-20th Century artwork! Still though... can anyone else help me with more?
I'm whittling away at this, but still need 20 or so... :-)
Now down to 10! Still need:
Anyone able to help???
For the Oakenheart, you could use the Wose portrait from Battle for Wesnoth (wesnoth.org).
I had forgotten about Wesnoth, that may well help a lot! Woses will certainly work (for testing purposes anyway). Many thanks!
And FINALLY I'm there. Current card set at least is all filled in with legal images. Phew. That was HARD work :-)
Thanks for advice and help guys...
Just thought I'd give an update - I eventually found a willing and talented artist who has been helping me out enormously - one Nikita Kaur - and the game is now looking pretty good!
If anyone is interested, please download and give it a go - there's now a full tutorial.
A couple of images of the map and gamescreen, plus some of Nikita's new cards...
Thanks everyone for the help on this! And in particular thanks to Nikita!
MainScreenshot.jpg 671.5 Kb [0 download(s)]
NewCards.jpg 138.5 Kb [1 download(s)]