2023 Art Challenges Woot!
If any of these upcoming challenges take your fancy, get ahead of the curve and start creating!
ANY art that has not already been submitted to OGA qualifies as long as it is submitted within the specified date period of the challenge...
Got some old art lying around that fits the genre of the season? Finish it, polish it, enter it!
2023 Art Challenges:
Dates: March 1st - April 1st
Theme: Shoot'em up
Spring Art Challenge 2023 - Shoot 'em up! | OpenGameArt.org
Dates: June 1st - July 1st
Theme: Physics
Summer 2023 art challenge - Physics! | OpenGameArt.org
Autumn (Fall):-
Dates: September 1st - October 1st
Theme: Hack 'n' Slash
Autumn 2023 Art Challenge - Hack 'n' Slash | OpenGameArt.org
Dates: December 1st - January 1st
Theme: Rhythm (Rhythm Action)
I guess Rhythm should be winter, not summer?
hehe correctamundo! Cheers!
Knock Down the Tower of Pigs
No mind to think;
No will to break;
No voice to cry suffering.