Warped Caves Pixel Art Pack
Tuesday, July 11, 2017 - 17:54
Art Type:
- 16bit FPS
- 2D::Tile::Sidescroll
- 2DPlatformRoguelike
- A Pool: Unsorted (GDN)
- BlackCortex
- Broken Worlds
- Castlevania Fan Game
- Cave Explorer Sci Fi Project
- Cavernlock
- CC0 artwork
- CC0 Walk Cycles
- CF Inspiration
- Doom Engine Textures (Animated)
- Doom Engine Textures (Patches)
- Final Project
- Galactorian
- Gunners, Pugilists, and Swordsmen
- HellStar Assets
- Metroidvania Art
- Pixel Platformer
- platformer
- Platformer Souls-like
- Project 2019-2020
- Quality Backgrounds
- Ragnar's CC0 Bag of Holding
- Rise! Shieldmaiden Mio
- Sprites
- Tile Sets
- Walk Cycles
- Winter 21 Game Jam
Warped Caves is a complete Game Art Assets Pack to build a Metroid like game with beautiful crisp Pixel Art.
- 2 Layers Parallax Background
- Tile set
- Different Props
- 3 Different Animated Enemies
- Female Character Player with 9 different animations
- Also this Pack includes Code for a playable demo made with the Phaser Engine
Music by Pascal Belisle
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Artwork created by Luis Zuno @ansimuz
License for Everyone.
Public domain and free to use on whatever you want, personal or commercial. Credit is not required but appreciated.
Feeling Grateful?
You can support my work at https://www.patreon.com/ansimuz
Get more Free Assetslike these at: http://www.pixelgameart.org
Music by Pascal Belisle
Music License
You are free to use the music in your projects as long as you give appropriate credit.

Your link to the demo tries to connect to localhost.
Awesome stuff again.
hey man, I think your art is really awesome! I can't wait to see more!
Woah, why is that preview image insanely big and zoomed in? I mean it doesn't fit on my 1080p display!!
Please update the link so we can try the demo. Right now it goes to localhost instead of an ip/domain name. This looks impressive!
Got it fixed. Thanks for letting me know.
Absolutely beautiful. So cool to see stuff like this under CC-by. And glad to see you're getting some of Dat Patreon Money! You deserve it!
I agree with everyone. Well done! Demo feels like a metriod game as well. thanks for sharing your work.
So I was a bit irritated when I found this art had been used in a game on Gamejolt without credit given, best I can find.
I'll let you handle this however you see fit, but I've done my part of catching a thief red-handed.
Thank you! And the demo is awesome!