VL2M Music Pack Vol.2
Wednesday, September 15, 2021 - 05:05
Art Type:
A free to use music pack I made for videos, games etc.
I made them using Melobytes' image to song converter.
These were supposed to be used in a game I was planning to make, however the game was cancelled due to lack of ideas, so now I'm releasing some of the songs (plus bonus ones) that were going to be used in the game.
Just credit me and Melobytes , that's all.
Happy Halloween!

there seems to be a glitch one of my songs plays when I play the first example on my computer. but when I use opengameart mobile your song plays. I undid the spam flag sorry for the inconvienance.
is anyone else hearing this song play on the first example?
Yes, I also hear it. If you right click on the preview and inspect the element, you can see the audio files are similarily named, but not exactly the same.
Your submission is:
<div class="play-button" data-ogg-url="https://opengameart.org/sites/default/files/audio_preview/ambience.mp3.ogg" data-mp3-url="https://opengameart.org/sites/default/files/ambience.mp3"></div>
This submission is:
<div class="play-button" data-ogg-url="https://opengameart.org/sites/default/files/audio_preview/ambience_1.mp3..." data-mp3-url="https://opengameart.org/sites/default/files/ambience_1.mp3"></div>
Going directly to https://opengameart.org/sites/default/files/audio_preview/ambience_1.mp3... plays the same song in my browser, but https://opengameart.org/sites/default/files/ambience_1.mp3 plays something different (I'm assuming the correct song). You might want to ask MedicineStorm about this.
Plays for me too, strange. Also, @creator, could you relicense your submission under a CC license? GPL is very restrictive and requires game creators to license their code GPL if they use it, meaning tat anyone can steal their code and release the game for free or make money off it themselves.
Ah, yes. I've seen this glitch before. It's pretty rare, but the best I can figure is the site tries to find an alias for the file name and ends up using one that was already aliased. It is no surprise that a lot of people name thier preview "ambience.mp3". The site tries to retain the original file name for every submisison, but it also has to be able to distinguish the multitude of "ambiences" from one another. Very rarely, it thinks that ambience_1 alias is unused and links to an unrelated ambience_1 alias. I have renamed this preview as VL2M_ambience.mp3. Let me know if anyone still hears the wrong track.
P.S. Yes, y'all should tell me about this weird stuff. :) I only happened across this by chance. The spam flag is not a bad way to alert me, but it only works if you make a comment about why you're using it at the time. Otherwise, I see the spam flag, check submission, see nothing apparently wrong, and move on.
@MedicineStorm I see, no issue in renaming it
Awesome! Thanks.