Virtual-Key Codes tileset
Sunday, March 25, 2018 - 12:20
Art Type:
A tileset of 23x8 keyboard key images in order as per virtual key codes.
Primarily intended for display on keyboard prompts or control configuration screens.
Tileset properties:
Tile size: 23x8
First tile offset: 1,1
Tile spacing: 1,1
Tiles per row: 16
Tiles total: 256
Can be split into individual images using ImageMagick via
magick vk.png -crop 16x16-1-1@ +repage +adjoin vk_%d.png
If using vk-glyphs-only, can be safely cropped to 21x5.
Originally drawn for use in personal projects, was later used in my Nuclear Throne mod, and later made an apperance in Nuclear Throne itself (for display on "pick up" prompts).
PaintNET source file ( is attached, but doesn't offer much aside of having separate layers and grid "guidelines".
Have fun!