Very Basic 32x32 Topdown Snow Tileset
Friday, July 5, 2019 - 11:24
Art Type:
I threw this together in the most haphazard and sloppy way possible when I discovered that OGA didn't even have the 32x32 topdown snow tileset that I needed! (there might be one I can't find, I looked through all submissions tagged "tileset" though)¨
Might be updated.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:

I love your cartoony style. It's very unique.
Sloppy is not accurate :) that's not how I would describe it. My perception is that you arrive at a result you are happy with, make confident decisions and move on.
Many artists struggle doing that and don't know when to stop tweaking.
You should be happy with your process it definitely works for you! :)
Well thank you! Glad you like it!
It just feels like I always have to excuse for myself xD
I like your tileset and made a small game ( ) using it. Feel free to comment on the game and tell if I made good use of your art.
It was staggering :3
Puns aside, I do really like the sound effects and music and the first time the hunter appears it's very tense. But it seems to crash often as well ;w;
Glad you like it ! This patch ( ) solves the issue and adds snow effect. I'll merge the patch in the game as a single download when the game jam organizer will be done playing the games. On a practical note: I shifted the horizontal position of the pine tree to align its trunk with the collision system grid.
Thanks for making this tileset available. It's a fine piece of pixel art you made here. I used it to compose an 8bit-style scene set in Antarctica, as part of my treasure hunt. Shout out to you with link in the credits.