Universal Prototype 2 for scrolling beat 'em up or MUGEN
5370+ UNIQUE CELS! Sorry for the shout, but i'm pretty happy, altough this is still a prototype, and in this case it has many green or transparent dots.
It can be used if you don't mind correcting or ignoring the green or transparent dots, it is decent, but not professional, yet.
The last file is another experiment, a smaller spritesheet, containing a reasonable number of cels to choose from to create a complete character based on a theme (In this case the most default, the typical town hero that goes to punch a evil gang one by one from the last thug to the boss)
I'm thinking about provide some of those ready-to-use spritesheets. I'm not saying i will do one for every character, but if i'll feel like it i might create some of them. For now i call them "selections"
The complete spritesheet is supposed to give extreme freedom and flexibility, but it is unavoidable that it might be confusing...
You may ask me to select specific cels for you, i can't promise anything but if you need it i can prepare more of those selections, I'm sure you understand that i'm gonna grant only very simple requests on clear and univoque themes, such as "boxing" or "brutal".
Correcting over 5300 cels would be brutal work, moreso considering i'm confident i'll solve the problem within the week, so i advice who would be interested in using this very sprite to first choose the cels they need and then edit only them. A character usually has 30-500 cels, according to how flexible is expected to be, and editing even 500 cels is much less work than editing all this spritesheet. (Of course you are perfectly free to edit this whole set however you see fit, adding long hairs, bracelets, one or more loose belts, kneepads, you name it.)
Sorry for boasting again, but this spritesheet is HUGE! It's a fact.
And the logic of the sequence is oriented to a certain workflow, that might or might not get along with your personal workflow, so i'm considering adding a small guide that will allow to choose the cels from a preview that any computer can handle quickly, in case you want to mix different sets in the same character.
I'll consider the idea of making 3 generic guides that allow to find quickly cels and actions in the spritesheet, both by function (idle, motion, gethit, attack, block, taunt, intro-outro )
By fighting style (Closest Capcom's world warrior)
By physics (Standing, crouching, airborne, down, Background element)
BTW, i'm gonna add cels that'll double any charset created with this model as background element as well.
It would be unthinkable to collect all the moves ever used in any videogame into a single model, but i'm confident this sequence/spritesheet allows a great deal of customization and personalization.
As usual, i rendered this in double size and rescaled with rot-sprite algorithm, i'm going to publish the indexed rendered cels as well in case someone wants to edit or use as it is the big version of the sprite.
I added a 64 colors extra sprite, with photorealistic shading, as a bonus, only in double size, and the original renders i used to create said cels, in 32 bits. altough the preview is made with just few cels, even this spriteset has got all the 5370+ cels.
About the fact i keep saying [Number]+ I'm not sure there aren't repetitions and it is statistically guarranteed there are some pose with mistakes, i'll look into them (By example i know that when the char shrug the fingers are bent backward, i'll look into it ASAP) I know not all cels are perfect, yet i'm confident this is quite a big base.
In the small guide, or reference some falling or kicking sprites are cropped, i put it in both preview and files collection, to be sure there won't be problem in showing it, even for manuals or demonstrations.
Also, to keep the submission relatively tidy, the small guide will be the last entry in the files collection, but as you can see from the file size, you might want to have a look at it before downloading the much bigger "official" spritesheets
By the way, the inner name of this character is "Rainbird", wich is totally irrelevant, since if you use or edit this sprite you can name it whatever you want.

this is extensive! :D
The preview labelled "small-guide" doesn't show up for me. I'm assuming it's because it has absolutely monstrous dimensions. Not exactly a good preview at that size, but it does show just how huge this submission really is.
I wonder if i'm going to break some world record :D
I'm indeed working on the 3 "small guides". (By movetype, by style, by statetype)
For the complete set i'm seriously considering using a common puppet for all the future sets. I think i'm at a good point with optimizing the concept of the small guide, but i can compress them only to a certain point, before they become unreadable.
Perhaps the small guide doesn't belong at all to the previews.
Should i remove it?
Also, i'm considering to put together some uh, "prefabricated" 100-300 cels spritesheets for some of the chars,
I do not mean to boast again, but since i find the 5000+ spritesheet scary myself, perhaps it would be useful to add some essential char ready to use, easy to "read", like... 15*20 cels.
hey there I was wondering if you were gonna add the same crouch attacks to this character, and the previous character you posted about (both universal prototypes). id love to have the same crouch attacks on these 2 characters :)
I meant as in the same crouch attacks at the ones on "Fighting character template Mustermann 2".
Hello and thank you, i'll try to help as much as i can.
many cels from the mustermann template are in this sequence, i had to remove some of them because the final size of the file is at the very limit of what my biggest computer can manage.
So it would be faster to apply a mustermann sequence of this character, you can find it in the files attached below.
I'd published a high resolution version. Let me know if you need a scaled down (cale 1:2) version.
Also, i didn't edit those renders, but it shouldn't be difficult to apply the last corrections.
I can't find the non-cartoonish model in that hard disk, it is possible i didn't save it, at all.
A.S.A.P. i'll create another as similar as possible with both sequences, hope it will help.
Actually, beside being quite busy, in those weeks, i'm planning to add hairs and bombenhagens physics.
You are the best :) no worries take your time. Id love it if you could post the same animations for some of the characters you've done too if you have them available ;) I appreciate your quick response and awesome work :D keep it up
also do you have the same animations for the 5000+ cells for the left hand version as well? :)
Hello, i just added the left handed version of Rainbird, you'll find it in the files.
About the dudes, i'm afraid i didn't save their shapes, or in other words, if they are in one of my hard disk, retrieving them counting on luck would be more time consuming than creating new characters that look like the one you asked... I will prepare some collections, including the one you suggested. It will take some time to organize the nesting.
ah okay, thanks for your help :D