Unity 3D Beat Em Up Kit
Saturday, July 9, 2016 - 11:09
Art Type:
Since, I dont have enough space to give you my Unity Beat Em Up Kit on OpenGameArt, I decided to give you a link for you to download the unity package. I have used the free assets to create this project, so do as you want with this project. Also, here is link for the tutorial on my Youtube page on how to create a Unity 3D Beat Em Up. Don't for to subcribe to my Youtube page and my Patreon page.
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_Mka22azGI

I understand the package is over the 200 MB limit, but you really should break it up into smaller packages of useable assets and upload them to OGA. I don't think uploading to a game demo and then linking to the assets is the best way. Would you be willling to share the assets in a form that isn't so platform specific? How you share your assets is your choice, but many people who might want to use these may not be using Unity3D.