Undead Pirate Roguelike
Made for the game Goldbeard as part of the 7 Day Roguelike Jam. Please use these animated pirate-themed skeletons, zombies, and more, however you like. Included are all the assets we used for our game: the images for the simple cutscene at the beginning, the tile set, the sprite sheets, the status effects and damage animations, card art, borders for the cards, and ui pieces.
**Useful Info** (if I'm missing something here, please comment and I will add it.)
- The tile set is 16 px
- The character sprites are NOT 16 px. They were designed to stick out a bit above their tile. Enemies like the piranha plant were also designed to attack into adjacent tiles, meaning the sprite extends beyond the 16 px tile it lives on.
- sprite sheets include a right-facing idle, attack, and walk. Some sprite sheets may include down and up walk cycles, but these became obsolete during the jam, were not used, and subsequent sprite sheets only include the right-facing ones. In our game, we used the walk right/left animation even if the sprite was walking up and down tiles, and found that it worked for a turn-based roguelike.
Happy creating :)