Two Characters
Sunday, September 27, 2020 - 09:40
Art Type:
These characters were created to novel/rpg ideia, but never came to life. So, I hope they can be useful for you in your projects and games.
You can use in your projects or even as a basis for other ideas. You can use this asset in any project you want, commercial or not.
I really appreciate your support, this means a lot to me and warms my heart! :)

nice charadcters... dat archer tho
@Aeynit : thanks for these nice characters
@zombietom : nice gif, thanks :)
That was really funny! haha ha
Thanks for the comments, I'll try to bring you more art.
Technopeasant brought me here by resubmitting this. Just a few seconds later I would have missed it, because MedicineStorm removed the repeat submission...
I guess that's as close to a "share" as can be done on OGA?
Everything on OGA is a "share". What do you mean?
Well nice to know that I lead people to this piece at least.
"If you want to support my work, please help by sharing, following and commenting."
E.g. on X-twitter, I think that "sharing" would be a retweet (or reX or whatever it is supposed to be called now).
The Gospel of Lycan Subscribe.
A lot of artwork posted on is under unclear licensing, so I asked them to clarifiy it on this case as the terms laid out seemed like de-facto CC-BY. I did not realize they had already uploaded i, though this one appears to not be on here:
Sadly most of the VN art on itch is is CC BY-NC.
Nice! I happy you liked. Oh... resubmitting it's not a good thing for me.