Top Down Asset Pack 1 [CTATZ]
Friday, November 21, 2014 - 18:16
Art Type:
Happy Saturday Everyone!
Sorry I'm late this week and missed last week entirely! I was very busy getting my Mobile game Beep Boop, Robot! released on the AppStore. CHECK IT OUT!
This week is based on new Top Down assets (such as for RPGs)! I will be expanding this pack a lot just as I have my platformer. Both will continue to be supported!
You can find my other packs HERE.
Also the best way to contact me is my TWITTER! (Follow if you want ;) )
As always leave comments and please favorite if you like my stuff! Thank you all and have a super good weekend!
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
NO COPYRIGHT/ATTRIBUTION NEEDED: However that being said if you want to attribute me please link to my twitter! At the very least send me a message of your project so I can share it!

luvvv x
like it!
Hey there.
Once again, great work. I really enjoy the color choices in this pack.
However, I am having the same problem as with some of your other packs. Your sprite sizes aren't consistent it seems, and will not tile correctly.
Some of the tiles are 128x128, others 129x128. Why is this?
See attached image:
Ugh. Thats from Illustrator not being pixel perfect on it's grid. Sometimes it'll do that from my export script. I'll fix those as soon as I can. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
No problemo. Thanks for looking into it.