Monday, January 24, 2022 - 14:40
Art Type:
Derived from Simple broad-purpose tileset and inspired by tiki concept. Contains:
- Muscular tiki
- Thin tiki
- Simple animations x2
Dimensions: 16x16.
Palette: Arne16.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Check out killyoverdrive for cool concept art. No attribution for zwonky required.

These keep getting better and better man!
Thanks! Love the support!
yeah you are definately doing some cool stuff with simple broad-purpose tileset and sprites.
it would be cool to see more cultures represented in this way. why don't you take a look at meso-american, african, mesopotamian, and indigenous australian art styles?
you could proabably keep expanding simples_pimples indefintely. real world mythology inspiration, fantasy, sci-fi, all sorts of stuff out there.
of course you are free to do whatever you want, let your inspiration take you wherever it takes you. im just kinda free-associating ideas based off of the derivatives you have done so far.
good work though, keep it up!
Always nice with some proper feedback! I agree, it is a very versatile art style. I think it is a great starting point for anyone looking to make some pixel art themselves. I like the idea of making more generic tilesets, you seem like you have lots of ideas! Start small and give it a shot!
yeah i might put my hand to simples_pimples and see what I can come up with. i think i am pretty decent with the music side of the art spectrum, but my pixel art skillz are prettty subpar. i did ok with frankensteining grafxkid and surt's works for my oga jam in november though, and your recent work with simple broad purpose tileset inspires me to give it a go.
i'll scratch something up today, we can see how much we are able to expand it betwixt the two of us. it is a really good base for derivatives.