The Mana World woodland outdoor
Monday, April 2, 2012 - 09:21
Art Type:
The Mana World woodland outdoor tileset.
The files provided have originally checked into the art repository by Crush. Crush and Jaxad0127 did most commits concerning these tilesets, but also Fother, enchilado and Cedric Borgese did commits. Contribution was also done by Leonard Pabin and Saphy. By contributing to The Mana World they agreed on the GPLv2 license, if you need another license please contact them.
Villages as well as lovely outdoor maps can be crafted using these tilesets provided.
The tiles are 32x32 pixel. If there is an x2 suffix it means the height is doubled and so on for x3, x4 etc.

Please note Saphy and myself made a lot of this...
Added Leonard Pabin and Saphy as authors.
I am sorry to not have added you in the first run, I just went through the history of git.
To find out who did contribute I looked at the git history.
> gitk <path to filename> shows only those commits which actually touch the filenames
Actually I only looked at the commit authors, not at the commit messages, who sometimes indeed mentioned you as author. My bad, sorry fot that.