Taxi Type 2 Concept Art [Hardwar]
Tuesday, May 29, 2012 - 13:32
Art Type:
This was submitted to the open source project Hardwar in a forum post.
I received permission from the author to post this here under terms of CC BY.
The taxi is very rough just a quick scanned thumb sketch. This taxi can carry 4 passengers and a large pod. Its main weapons are twin dual turrets, one to the rear and one to the front. As well as the usual missile racks.Good accelleration and turn, only average speed and altitude. Good shields and sturdy hull. A real work horse vessel.
Attribution Instructions:
Taxi Type 2 Concept Art
Copyright 2011 Richard "RustiSwordz" Daborn <>
License: Creative Commons Attribution <>

i saw his page and this guy is good at hard sci-fi, somehow remainds me of the 5 th element. Good stuff.
@Danimal totally agreed about 5th Element. But I'm sure every yellow hover taxi would. :)