Tasen soldier/commander Ukall for fighting games
Storywise Ukall is a very ambitious tasen kid-soldier, who is armed with basic tasen weapons, but mostly relies on his impressive fighting skills.
Those 2 spritesets share the action with another character, who is more oriented to weapon use. I decided to give to both the characters i'm realizing all the cels, to allow other developers more flexibility.
Also common actions such as walking or jumping have several different styles.
I'm confident that this 2886 cels, along with it's female counterpart ( https://opengameart.org/content/tasen-soldiercommander-maeja-for-fightin... , slighly smaller and more feminine ) allows to create several unique foes for a fighting game or a platformer.
The spritesets in this entry represent 2 different fighting styles, first one (mostly) barehanded called "chains of compassion"
The second one is base on the use of the twin shield-claws and pistols, but includes several bare handed punches and kicks.
The 2 8 bits spritesheets and sequences share the same palette, so they can be mixed to create many different characters.
I also added sequences, for who might prefer to work with the cels rather than the spritesheet.

Hey, I'm not sure if you still have access to this work, but could you indicate which frames belong to which animation? Would be appreciated.