Tactical Weapons And Tactics Art Pack
Sunday, March 24, 2019 - 20:18
Art Type:
Art assets from my SBIG Jam 2018 entry, Tactical Weapons And Tactics. This is a parody "tactical" shooter that I created most of my own assets for, and I am now releasing most of them for others to use.
This pack includes
- 18 signs, posters, and other decor
- 5 story panels
- 89 weapon, enemy, and pickup sprites (some are probably duplicates)
- some miscellaneous textures and UI bits
Note that this was made for the So Bad It's Good Jam, so set your expectations accordingly. I don't expect that these will end up in any serious project, but maybe someone will find a use for them.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
At a minimum, credit me as XCVG or XCVG Systems. I would also appreciate a mention of Tactical Weapons And Tactics and/or my website, xcvgsystems.com. You may format the attribution and put it wherever you want to match the rest of the credits in your game or other production.
I recommend attributing the original authors if you use any of the derived resources as well.
See the included README.txt for details.

Great job.
Thanks for this! I really needed a placeholder SMG gunmodel so I can get something in the prototype without having to make the new art and the one in this pack looks great!