sRGB Unit
Meet the sRGB Unit: Synchronized Research Generation Bot Unit...
( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Made up of 3 bots. SurveyorBot, CollectorBot and ObserverBot. The three are connected in a wireless manner, by an advanced technology that let them share any bit of information they "perceive" with almost zero latency. This allows them to function as a singular entity which would be present at three different places at once analyzing and generating data of some place, ecosystem or phenomenon at a highly elevated rate. Each one is equipped with a set of unique dispositives, sensors and data processors specialized for their particular set of tasks and capabilities. Also they have highly cognitional habilities thanks to advanced algorithms for analyzing information, processing data, generating new data and making decisions.
I just managed to upload the psd for 2 of the bots. Dunno what happened to the ther bot psd XD
I didn't include the 3D sculptures cuz they're super heavy. But if you're interested in them I can share them through other websites or services.

Very nice and cute robots, thank you very much :)
Thanks mate! Hope you find them also useful in any way.