Wednesday, March 9, 2016 - 18:28
Art Type:

A small loop made in LMMS. It has, what I think is, a Space Age feel to it.
I also think it would work as a loop for a multi-player lobby, or for connecting to one.
This is my first project using LMMS, and my first upload.
If you just want the music, get the ogg file. The zip file contains a copy of the LMMS project and the ogg formated song.
All I ask attributation wise is to come back here and post if you have used it in anyting you have made. Do me a favor and boost my ego. ;)
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Attribution not necessary. However, if you would like to, just use ElectronicFreaker.

Buen trabajo
Nice !!
I'm adding sounds to a game (Ultimate Dome-ball) I'm developing in Roblox. When I heard it, it immediately made me think of the lobby music I was looking for. This as my first choice, hopefully the beta-testers like it. The game is published but not public until December 1st, 2020. Thank You.