Space Cargo Hauler
Sunday, May 29, 2016 - 18:41
Art Type:
I made this to kick off my patreon account. I love making pixel art and I love game dev. So I've made an account to help out game developers by providing free to use game art for their games.
No restrictions on usage, but if you like it let me know here and on patreon. For requests, email me at

This looks awesome!
Thanks! Looking to make some more, what kinda ships would you like to see?
Maybe some small fighters or parts of a space station. I am thinking of a game where ou could build your own ships/stations
Hooo, I like this very much ! I am on a project, I am fine with code and calculation, but graphism are my weak point. It is nice to fine some content like yours :)
You can make more ships, like small fighters. The inside and ouside together like this, it is really nice.
which tool did you use to do this ? :)
Neat o.O
Hey, for Arn.
I draw it in graphics gale, a nice pixel art program I enjoy using. Let me know what you plan to make with this, I'd love to play it!
Consider supporting my patrean and I can put out some tutorials and some new ships. :)
I would like to do a small simulation space crew simulation game. You are in a ship and you manage your crew during different events.
A tutorial would be a great idea :)