Space Backgrounds 9
Thursday, August 24, 2017 - 07:54
Art Type:
New starfields and space background + 3 of them tiled.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
All my work on is 100% free and PUBLIC DOMAIN. Use it as you like (commercialy or non commercialy - I DON'T CARE :) and no atribution needed.

Why such weird resolutions? Background images usually fit the common desktop resolution, in most cases 1920x1080 which is full HD.
I like it that way and remember you can cut only part of it. Sometimes, when I make games, I use the same big image couple of times because I only put part of it each time. Besides, in some top-down space game you can use 3000x3000 image as a paralaxed background, don't you think?
Best regards and thank you for your input :)
They don't work well for most kind of games, backgrounds are usually just background images.
Well, I guess you didn't made many games in your life if you say so :) Anyway: there is a simple solution for your problem: just don't use them if you don't like them.
What kind of games can you make with a static background that does not even fit the screen resolution?
I allready gave you an examples, but since you need some more ideas (it's a little lazy of you, don't you think?), here you go:
1. You can cut only part of it into the resolution you need or cut some part and resize it into resolution you need.
2. You can use it as a part of other background
3. You can use it as a part of sprite (example: the picture on the screen or in the picture frame)
4. You can use square background as a scrolling background in paralax, where in (for example) TD space game, the square background is drawed with some scrolling (I allready gave you that example earlier)
5. You can use it as an inspiration - after all they are CC0
Plase, don't be lazy and think about it yourself.
I would just generate some backgrounds myself that fit, it is a much easier solution, I'm just giving feedback about the limited usefulness of such images.
1. You ask me questions and I'm asnwering.
2. I like making those backgrounds in the way I would use them in my games (and some of them were actualy made for games that I planned to do and didn't).
Thanks a lot for these. I happen to think they are VERY useful. I can crop just the part that I need if I choose to. Also, as you said, they are great for parallax backgrounds. I'm making a Space Invaders-styled 2D game that has a parallax bg when the player moves left and right. These are perfect. Thanks again.
I think you people do not know what parallax is and how it works...
I know how it works and I'm aware that you need couple of layers to have the "real" paralax - but I didn't know better word (english is not my language) and actually you still can use those backgrounds in paralax, if you for example:
1. Add your own layers (like closer nebulas or something - Btw, tell me dude: you wrote you can generate your own backgrounds and it would be faster then just cutting/croping those (like those backgrounds are only for you) - why are you wasting your time on comments, then? :) )
2. Use couple of those with different blending.
Like I said man: just don't use them if you don't like them or upload your own with licence CC0 (since it's faster and easier :D ) and I will gladly download them (I collect CC0 graphics if they can be use to me) and you can be sure you will not have any whining from me, I promise :)
You mean a srolling background, but even that would get boring fast since it is just one image that just repeats over and over.
Now I think you don't know what paralax is :) But never mind, let's do it like this:
You are right, and those backgrounds should match only your projects :) But, no, those are not only for you :)
BTW: Thanks for inspiration, because I just had an idea: I will add (to this art post) the same backgrounds but tiled :D Maybe in an hour because I'm working right now.
I plan to use these as backgrounds in my Celestite game. I'll have to scale them down or crop them, but better to scale down than scale up! :)
There aren't "weird" resolutions. As MedecineStorm said, it is better to scale down from HD pictures than scale UP from low quality/resolution ones.
And games aren't tied to 1920*1080. Anyway it's a small work to resize them...
To have CHOICES you know... than a single way of thought, so is Freedom.
And trying to bring down people that sharing their work isn't productive. You don't like it, look for another thing.
Sorry to be blunt, but the SJW/Judges anywhere start to be tiresome
Thanks for the share!
Fantastic work!
Wonderful! Thank you!
This are really amazing backgrounds, I used one from this publication and other 4 from posts you have (also the lasers and beams Post).
If you want to look them around on my app Angry Colors
Thanks for sharing
NO matter how You slice it, these are GREAT! Thanks for sharing them