Sound effects for platformer
Friday, January 11, 2019 - 01:41
Art Type:
Hi All,
here is the 19 sounds for platformer, action/adventure games.
Have fun and let me know if you need something else at this particular style)
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Sounds are public domain. This means you can use it for your personal and commercial games. If you will use it, please, let me know via twitter at @listener4me

not bad. :)
Your tags need commas between them. As it is now, it's just one big tag. someone would have to search for the whole thing in that order to find this. Also, the tag "sound" is redundnat; this is already in the Sound Effects category, so there is no need for that tag. See for effective tagging tips.
The first preview file for an audio submission must be an audio preview file. You can keep the "Platformer Sound Patch" cover art if you want, but it needs to be moved down the list so people can listen to an audio preview from the main page. Otherwise this looks like a 2d graphic submission.
Let me know if you have questions. :)