SNES RPG Overworld
Wednesday, July 6, 2016 - 22:52
Art Type:

A loopable overworld theme inspired by Chrono Trigger.
The previous version of the track used unlicensed instruments taken from the game. Those instruments have now been replaced with properly licensed instruments.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
This track has been released into the public domain as of January 2017.

Very good 16-bit production
What sounds are used from chrono trigger?
Being inspired by Chrono Trigger is awesome! :) Using sounds from Chrono Trigger is a possible licensing issue. :(
Sorry for not seeing this until now. You are quite correct, I believe. All instruments are taken from Chrono trigger, so this track is probably unlicensable. Sorry about that :( I will re-record it with different sounds when I get the time to do so.
Edit: I've uploaded a new version of the track where the unlicensed instruments have been replaced.
Groovy. Thank you.