Sky gradients
Monday, October 1, 2012 - 12:11
Art Type:
Sky gradients created with inkscape from random sky pictures to get twelve mostly diverging moods.
Added some flavours to make them a tad more interesting to look at and stirr imagination of what can be done with them. Definitely did not require too much skill but hopefully can be useful for some out there looking for background sky patterns.
Since it is all in an svg, the gradients can be created at any resolution necessary.
The trees used as props are standard arbaro trees rendered by blender. Will probably upload them as well as soon as I got more time :)
Attribution Instructions:
If you for some reason prefer the CC-BY license, the attribution goes to "Georg Adelmann, member of and"

Very good. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the feedback, yd - highly appreciated :) Motivated me to adapt the preview image to the page layout!
Look nicely done, and learning that they're in vector format is just icing. Once I'm a bit further along, I could certainly get some mileage out of these. My thanks.
Query: When you say you created them from sky pictures, do you mean using photos as (color) references, or something else? I'm curious.
Thanks, Jovial Feline!
Used the color-picker tool from random sky photos from around the internet directly in inkscape to the gradient nodes:)
So first selected a node (F2) and then picked the color for that height from the photo (F7) - quite nice and easy in inkscape :D