Sensor/radar tower
Thursday, September 15, 2011 - 09:43
Art Type:
Weird thing, could be used as sensor or radar in a game
I would appreciate, if you gave me some response =)
Also i added a possible animation, just start the game engine

You forgot to include the textures
The upper part looks a bit like the mass relays from Mass effect. Looks great, one or a few textures would be nice.
Since i'm pretty bad at texturing, i'm not going to. But you're welcome to try yourself ;)
Nice, I like it.
What's the polycount /quadcount for this model and the turret model by the way? Could some of the "dents and spikes" be removed without making holes in the model if I were to reduce the polycount?
It has got 1092 faces and 3621 vertecies. And yes, you can remove some of the stuff without making holes in the model =)
If you are talking about my other upload by saying "turret", it has got 1912 faces and 4473 vertecies.
Thank you for the info.
I'll consider this model somehow...interesting thing could be used for anything small to large.
The turret (yes the other cannon model) is a bit too heavyweight. I guess a *lot* of polys got into those cylindric coils and the cylindric axle joint?
Maybe I can reduce the polycount.
I'll texture this when I get some freetime! :D
Nice :D messange me when you're done ;)
Used the sensor tower model in our 48hour Global Game Jam game: Alien Escape. Thanks!